What are the best ways to learn new ATV and UTV skills? Example: You want to learn to descend hills in your UTV / side by side. It’s critical to carefully select your travel path in a way that you’ll be able to maintain complete control of your vehicle. Build your confidence by learning how to travel down a small incline, with control. Note: Match your travel plan with your existing skill level and the capacity of the vehicle you’re using. It’s also important to stress that you need to practice your new skills before you actually need to use them.
Sign up for Safety Training with a qualified, experienced Safety Instructor. Thoroughly read your machine’s Owner’s Manual. Discover tips and view videos compiled by a Court-qualified Expert Witness as he trained operators of UTVs ATVs, motorcycle dirt bikes and snowmobiles.
To quicken the pace of your development, take a training class from a qualified OHV instructor.