Snowmobile Expert Classes
for Recreational
Experts are advanced riders who have maintained the passion and desire to challenge themselves while riding over a period of time. Although they can negotiate most types of terrain and weather conditions, they desire to be even more comfortable in doing so. These individuals love the sport, constantly try to perfect their existing skills, and are excited about their next level of skill development.
- Yes, you ride well, but would you love to be able to ride with even greater ease and efficiency? Would you like to learn some techniques and tricks that will make your sport even easier, more fun, and safer?
- Do you feel confident traveling where there are no tracks?
- Have you ever come upon two trees that forgot to measure your snowmobile before they grew up?
- Do you know when to sit and when to stand while riding?
- Can you side hill on command?
About the Class
To ensure you can immediately apply everything you are taught in actual riding situations, 98 percent of this class is taught on the type of terrain you want to ride in the future. Note: You will also be taught any skills from the Beginner or Intermediate classes that you have not yet mastered.
Click here to learn more about your Senior Instructor, Bill Uhl.
Class Content
The major topics covered include:
- Participate in a test of your skill level. (We need to know what you already know so you receive the maximum benefits from your investment in the course.)
- Expert skills are taught with greater speed at the same time that riders maintain safety for themselves and other visitors to the land.
- Skill development
- Advanced side hills
- Riding standing up, kneeling, and sitting down while steering with your weight
- How to use weight distribution to your advantage
- Throttle control
- Save your butt by knowing when to brake and when to gas it
- How to hop over a ditch at speed with ease
- Reverse figure eights (while climbing)
- What to do when the front of your machine wants to slide downhill when you are trying to turn uphill
- “Motor boating” (traveling in powder snow)
- Advanced downhills
- Added braking power
- How to explore new country
- When to go slow to go fast
- How to tread lightly
Classes are normally limited to ten students.
You can register for a one and two-day class. Longer classes are also available.
For the cost of your custom class, call or e-mail us for a quote. See the Contact Us Now button for directions in the side menu.